Friday, October 9, 2015

Best PH film today, 'Heneral Luna'

Antonio Luna would have been an easier man to understand if he were a conventional Philippine hero. In fighting for independence from Spain, Jose Rizal advocated for a peaceful revolution through his pen, while Andres Bonifacio initiated guerrilla warfare with his bolo.
History was not as kind to General Luna whose brutal murder eclipsed his many talents and virtues, even when he was prone to bombast. He was a writer, poet, pharmacist, an excellent guitar player and martial artist who, in Belgium, studied military strategy and the use of field fortifications, trenches and guerrilla warfare. For most of his critics, however, he was simply a hothead.

This move compels Luna to suggest a pre-emptive strike against the Americans before more of them could land in Manila, but he was ignored. The inevitable happens. The war between the Filipinos and Americans ensues with the latter seen committing atrocities against Filipinos, young and old, men and women. The war takes its toll on the ill-equipped Filipino soldiers.

The scenes settle down later on a long table with cabinet members on the side and — on opposite sides of the table — General Luna and President Emilio Aguinaldo. This is where the other war begins and where the war of words would later escalate to more feuds. If one is to understand politics, you know the person with the tight lip could prove to be an even more dangerous enemy.

Director Jerrold Tarog draws out these scenes with admirable restraint, just showing enough to set us up for another story, about a crusty general who spawns enemies in government and among his ranks.

If one asks why yet another historical epic (and there’s been a couple of them coming from the Philippines), it’s only because the audience has seen many previous efforts suffer under the weight of their own self-importance, with their focus on gloss, craft and little else by way of imagination or respect for their audience.

What sets “Heneral Luna” apart from other historical epics is its relevance to this day. It’s a convincing wake-up call from the past. It also spares us the paralyzing self-consciousness, if not stagey scenes and florid dialogue affectations that afflict other epics and keep us shackled in the past.

Yes, the enemy is still us. It’s a tale as old as Luna’s but a recurring theme in modern-day Philippine politics. “When will we ever get it?” the movie seems to implore even if it’s stated clearly by Luna, “Our enemies are ourselves.”

2. Holding On

Treasure the people around you; your family, friends and everyone you interact with. Don't take people for granted, be thankful for even having one because there would be others who would want to be in your position.

I don't always trust someone so easily but I did. I did what you would normally do with a friend; do silly stuff, sleep in a room together, eat tons of sweets and share anything. We knew each other for quite a while but she went away - in another country. So, I wanted to see her and give her this book full of our memories. Anyway, we planned on meeting each other for three different days, eating and just hanging out.

First day.
I arrived at our meeting place with my other friends and waited but she texted saying "Hey, Can we just meet on Friday? Since everyone won't be able to attend." And I replied back "Sure".

 I didn't mind it at first, since it meant I have extra time to do the book.

Second day. 
I was getting ready and then she called me saying "Let's move it to next week, I have to finish something". 

Third, last day. 
We were all there, waiting for her. The book finished and was impressively wrapped, There were about fifteen+ letters inside that were written from different people who she knew. We waited for two hours and she still wasn't there. I decided to text her and she replied minutes after saying, "I can't come today., I have a dentist appointment." 
I was very hurt and said, "We're all here, we waited for a long time."  Then, she didn't reply.

I was very sad. I guess she wasn't really a true friend, and I learned it the hard way. 

After weeks, I gave her the book by taking pictures of it and sent it to her. I felt bad for the people who wrote their feelings and greetings on paper. I told her 
"You're lucky that a lot of people will remember you but in turn, please remember them too." 
And the rest is history.

I always cherish my friends, and the people I hold dearly because I experienced not having any. I knew the feeling of utter loneliness and isolation which is why, it hurts so much that someone would ditch you or disappear without any goodbyes.

For me, NOTHING - even materialistic things - can ever replace the feeling of love and comfort with other people. Yes, I have few people that I label as a "true friend" since they proved it to me on many occasions. I'm also picky when it comes to labeling a person as a "Best Friend", I only had one - which was on grade school- considering, I really want to get to know someone really well and to be able to tell that person all my fears, secrets and experiences.

In my opinion, the main qualities of a true friend are the following: when you could bully each other and not be mad with all the teasing; when you have a problem or needed someone to talk to, you would call him/her or meet up in each other's place or at the mall; when you have some similarities and differences. I guess the most important thing is that you're comfortable with that person.

I noticed in my circle of friends that we have the love for eating, we would try anything and drool on food that we see in social media. then we would start planning on going to a certain restaurant to try their delicacies. We would also talk for hours in the library, mall, or any place that's cold - the longest one so far was four or five hours straight!.

Yes, It's not easy to find a true friend but always be yourself and time will lead you to those who will make a big bang on your life.

1. Limitless

To my dearest reader,


(When I was still a baby girl of Mom and Dad) 

My complete name is Michenette Kayle Acera Baruc, it's pretty complicated right? If people asked to pronounce or even spell my name and every mistake I'll get a Peso, ahem! I may be rich. Hahahaha but don't worry other people call me Miche. I was born on Eighteenth of February, 18 years ago. I spent 17 years in my hometown Taguig with my beloved parents. I have just one brother and sister. They are four year younger than me. My father work at Philippine Transmarine Corporation as a Seafarer and my mother besides taking care of household, she is a Photographer. My sister was studying at Asia Pacific College aiming to have a degree of BS Accountancy. I’m studying at there too, but I chose BS Tourism Management. These are some information in the glimpse of my life. 

Let me tell you what am I doing in my life, well, My whole world becomes different since I have graduated from High School. I’m doing all the things by myself. Spoon feed no more, my life is completely mine. Managing me is the hardest thing that I ever known. It’s been 3 years I stayed in APC. My everyday activities included going to campus, doing assignments, studying, available on social network, and hanging out. I want to join some affiliations to waste my spare time. I intend to expand my ability, dance. I was growing up in art family. My aunties are dancer so do with my dad and my brother’s good in music. 

I have some interests. I’m totally enjoyed reading novels, I waste my pocket just to buy some novels. My favorite is novel by Danielle Steel. It gives me such great inspiration to knowing life, love and people. I also like to writing but I’m bad in mathematics. My brain is just getting slow when I demand it to count something. I’m a lazy, lounge, and moody person. My best is smile as always.


My goals are to pass each semester with the best result so that can make my parent proud, become helpful person for my family, friends, people and this country. I also want to get better in every subject, active in groups, throw away my lazy time and be a professional. :)
