Monday, January 4, 2016

Inter High School Public Speaking Competition

Speak Sense Season 2 is an Inter High School Public Speaking Competition .It is held last November 27,2015 at APC Auditorium. The contestants for this competition wherein Asia Pacific College invited 10 different high school students to represent their schools.APC Speaks organized the said event with the collaboration of the English Resource Center(ERC) Faculty.The theme of the event is“The Best of Times or Worst of Times. It’s the only time we’ve got”.which is the mechanics of this is to deliver their speech in relation with the theme.All of the speakers will have their speeches about their own life experiences or how they face serious situation that they been through.After each speech, speakers should answer some questions from the judges.
My professor said that she's really in favoured to this one speaker who told us a life-and-death situation with a hotdog and a cola. It's bit funny thou the reason of my professor why she likes it of all the speakers is because his speech was good yet his content still needs to improve.

Another speaker, who delivered his speech in a way of poetry still it has a relation with the theme since  he talks too fast and forget some of his speech it somehow a big confusion to me and also for some audience as well.

Speaker from Pasay Science High School
This one speaker I like the most because her speech was really dramatic since she talked about her dysfunctional family and it somehow caught my attention especially about her fears for her parents and siblings.She proved that she is a very strong who share her real life experiences to others.It is an inspiring speech and I really with story about having a dysfunctional family.
Announcement of Champion

To end it up, the girl from Pasay Science High School won as a champion for this competition and it's good to know.The program went well congratulations to the winner, to the organizers and to the judges.

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